Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Video: Lupe Fiasco - "Dumb It Down" (Live at the Park West)


Download: Lupe Fiasco - "The Birds and The Bees" (via)

Fake Shore Drive has got the scoop on a couple of live videos of Lupe Fiasco performing live at the Park West crowd, to what he describes as a "PG Crowd". If anyone needs to hear the anti-anti-intellectual (double negatives in the muthafucking hizz-ouz) message of "Dumb it Down", it's probably a PG crowd. Still, from the looks of it, Lupe killed it.

Even more interesting is a interview that Andrew from Fake Shore did regarding the leaks of Lupe's old material (the posting of which got Fake Shore linked to Pitchfork). Lupe is cool with it. Watch that interview here.

Lupe Fiasco MySpace Page

(Jonathan Graef)

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